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Homework Pros and Cons

Whether homework is necessary or not is subject to debate ever since. Students and parents argue that these assignments give them no time to do other activities as they are too much. As a result, teachers are also starting to question whether providing students these assignments is of positive impact.

The school’s opinion is that when students study by themselves without interruption from their friends or tutors, they can understand the content they are reading. Gaining quality education means having excellent organizational skills that enable a student to learn more on their own apart from what they learn in school. It might seem tiring, but it is crucial for every child’s education.

Of course, everything has its ups and downs. Whether you love going the extra mile or doing your homework or don’t like homework, you should know both sides of the coin before you choose. Buckle up.

Advantages of homework

Homework creates a bond between tutors and students. When a student finishes an assignment from home, they can discuss the answers, exchange ideas, and look for appropriate solutions to a problem with their tutors. It goes a long way in enhancing communication in the classroom setup and the real world as well.

Assignments bring families closer. When don’t you know a solution to a specific question, who do you ask for help? Generally, working together as a family to find a solution to a common problem, strengthens bonds in the family and boosts your academic knowledge. However, expert assistance is usually a better way to understand the subject and do the tasks faster.

Practice sharpens perfection. Working on assignments regularly from school helps learners get ready for higher education. As a fact, the more frequent a student polishes his/her skills, the higher chance they have in pursuing their careers with ease.

Homework boosts a student’s responsibility. The deadline set for collecting assignments pushes students to complete it before time elapses. Over time, they acquire the ability to plan for their academics and in life eventually.

It enables parents to know how their child is doing. Seeing how children perform in their homework gives parents a general estimate of how their children perform in school. After analyzing the student’s homework, parents can either offer help or gauge their achievements.

Disadvantages of homework

It is stressful. Piling extra work on a student may cause them to grow a negative attitude towards education. Such stress can manifest physically, leading to plummeting enthusiasm among students.

It deprives learners of their social life. Working a lot means that students get fewer opportunities to socialize, which may lead to bad communication skills and introverts among them. Nowadays, kids would instead go for a walk, be with friends, or play video games instead of homework.

Children lose interest. Too much homework puts pressure on gentle growing minds making learners lose interest in their assignments and education altogether. Not unless they have time to switch focus or engage in different activities, they are going to be ineffective in school.

Homework leads to academic burnout. Learners spend a lot of time doing their assignments. After schools, it is only reasonable for students to rest, but volumes of homework every day only make them wearier, causing complete burnout.

Lack of effectiveness. Homework intended for students ends up done mostly by their tutors, parents, or siblings instead. Most students see assignments as a task and only do it to please their teachers.


This article depicts two sides to this issue. The advantages emphasize the need for self-education while the disadvantages argue that homework may have harmful effects on a student’s health.